SIGCSE TS 2021 Birds of a Feather Schedule
Monday, March 15 - 4:00 PM (ET)
Birds of a Feather Flock 1A
Monday, March 15 / 4:00 PM (ET) - 5:15 PM (ET) Building a Multinational Community among Graduate Students in CS Education ResearchJean Salac (University of Chicago); Sophia Krause-Levy (University of California, San Diego); Melissa Perez (University of Michigan); Khalia Braswell (Temple University)
Departmental Cultures of Inclusion
Sarah Hug (CERC); Patricia Morreale (Kean University); Beth Quinn (NCWIT); Jennifer Rosato (NCCSE)
Learning from COVID
Angela Siegel (Dalhousie University); Mark Zarb (Robert Gordon University); Teri Balser (Dalhousie University)
Canvas Considered Helpful?
Michael P Rogers (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh); Bill Siever (Washington University in St. Louis)
Supporting Computer Science Student Mental Health through Unprecedented Times
Jennifer Akullian (Growth Coaching Institute); Adam Blank (California Institute of Technology); Brianna Blaser (AccessComputing); Christian Murphy (Bryn Mawr College)
Monday, March 15 - 5:30 PM (ET)
Birds of a Feather Flock 1B
Monday, March 15 / 5:30 PM (ET) - 6:45 PM (ET) Best Practices for Designing and Implementing NSF S-STEM Scholarship ProjectsSami Rollins (University of San Francisco); Alark Joshi (University of San Francisco); Amruth N. Kumar (Ramapo College of New Jersey); Stan Kurkovsky (Central Connecticut State University); Tracy Camp (Colorado School of Mines)
Teaching Parallel and Distributed Computing in the Time of COVID
Joel C Adams (Calvin University); Richard A Brown (St. Olaf College); Suzanne J Matthews (U.S. Military Academy); Elizabeth Shoop (Macalester College)
Integrating Hands-on Cybersecurity Exercises into the Curriculum in 2021
Richard Weiss (The Evergreen State College); Jens Mache (Lewis and Clark College); Elizabeth Hawthorne (Rider University); Ambareen Siraj (Tennessee Tech University); Blair Taylor (Towson University); Siddharth Kaza (Towson University); Ankur Chattopadhyay (Northern Kentucky University)
Birds of a Feather Who'd Like to Share Software Together: Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and Outcomes
David J. Malan (Harvard University); Doug Lloyd (Harvard University); Brian Yu (Harvard University)
Jupyter for Teaching Data Science
Eric Van Dusen (University of California, Berkeley)
Tuesday, March 16 - 4:00 PM (ET)
Birds of a Feather Flock 2A
Tuesday, March 16 / 4:00 PM (ET) - 5:15 PM (ET) Improving K-12 CS Education Research via Tools and Resources for the CommunityMonica M. McGill ( & Knox College)
Student Teachers as Lead University Instructors
Justin Hsia (University of Washington); Dan Garcia (University of California, Berkeley); Swapneel Sheth (University of Pennsylvania)
Developing Effective and Equitable K-12 Computer Science Teachers
Bryan Twarek (Computer Science Teachers Association); Deborah Seehorn (Computer Science Teachers Association); Michelle Friend (University of Nebraska at Omaha ); Janice Mak (Arizona State Board of Education); Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff (Maryland Center for Computing Education); Meg Ray (Cornell Tech); Vicky Sedgwick (Laurence School)
What is the Security Mindset? Can it be Developed?
Rakesh M. Verma (University of Houston); Rangarajan Ray Parthasarathy (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Lila Ghemri (Texas Southern University)
Strategies for Authentic Assessments of Mastery in CS Courses
Kevin Lin (University of Washington); Lina Battestilli (North Carolina State University); Michael Ball (University of California, Berkeley)
Tuesday, March 16 - 5:30 PM (ET)
Birds of a Feather Flock 2B
Tuesday, March 16 / 5:30 PM (ET) - 6:45 PM (ET) Purposeful Plans for Computer Science Diversity, Equity, and InclusionEmilie Barnard (Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS Program); Andrea Russo (Microsoft Philanthropies, Digital Inclusion and US Community Partnerships); Gustavo Arriaga (Microsoft Philanthropies, Digital Inclusion and US Community Partnerships)
Community Colleges: Increasing Participation at SIGCSE and ACM Activities
Cara Tang (Portland Community College); Markus Geissler (Cosumnes River College); Christian Servin (El Paso Community College); Cindy Tucker (Bluegrass Community & Technical College); Melissa Stange (Lord Fairfax Community College)
Becoming a CS1 Student in the Time of COVID
Mark Zarb (Robert Gordon University); Angela Siegel (Dalhousie University); Ric Glassey (KTH Royal Institute of Technology); Janet Hughes (The Open University)
How Can Computer Science Educators Benefit from Data Science Education?
Koby Mike (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology); Orit Hazzan (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
How Can We Make Office Hours Better?
Kevin Lin (University of Washington); Kristin Stephens-Martinez (Duke University); Brian Railing (Carnegie Mellon University)
Wednesday, March 17 - 4:00 PM (ET)
Birds of a Feather Flock 3A
Wednesday, March 17 / 4:00 PM (ET) - 5:15 PM (ET) Disability in Computer Science EducationRichard E. Ladner (University of Washington); Andreas Stefik (University of Nevada Las Vegas); Amy J. Ko (University of Washington); Brianna Blaser (University of Washington); Sheryl Burgstahler (University of Washington)
The State of Equitable CS Education Research and Practice: Where Do We Go From Here?
Bryan Twarek (Computer Science Teachers Association); Todd Lash (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Michelle G. Lee (San Francisco Unified School District); Abigail Joseph (The Harker School); Charity Freeman (Lane Tech High School)
Developing a Computer Science Concurrent Enrollment Program
Jennifer Rosato (College of St. Scholastica); Renee Fall (College of St. Scholastica); Debbie Jackson (Cleveland State University); James Veseskis (Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy)
Cybersecurity Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Nigamanth Sridhar (National Science Foundation); Li Yang (National Science Foundation); James Joshi (National Science Foundation); Victor Piotrowski (National Science Foundation)
Integrating Critical Ways of Thinking into Computer Science Teaching and Learning Practice
Sarah Hug (CERC); Martine Ceberio (UTEP); Diego Aguirre (UTEP); Scott King (TAMUCC); Megan Thomas (CSU Stanislaus); Eliana Valenzuela Andrade (UPR Arecibo); Tom Carter (CSU Stanislaus); Nayda Santiago (UPR-Mayaguez)
Wednesday, March 17 - 5:30 PM (ET)
Birds of a Feather Flock 3B
Wednesday, March 17 / 5:30 PM (ET) - 6:45 PM (ET) A Town Meeting: SIGCSE Committee on Expanding the Women-in-Computing CommunityPaula Gabbert (Furman University); Wendy Powley (Queen's University); Gloria Childress Townsend (DePauw University)
Creating, Building, and Sustaining Community in CS Departments
Kendra Walther (University of Southern California); Tzu-Yi Chen (Pomona College)
Using Validated Assessments to Learn About Your Students
Michael Clancy (University of California, Berkeley); Cynthia B. Lee (Stanford University); Soohyun Nam Liao (Princeton University); Leo Porter (University of California, San Diego); Cynthia Taylor (Oberlin); Kevin C. Webb (Swarthmore College)
One Semicolon Away from Success: Rebranding ''failure'' in CS1 through New Terminology
Angela Siegel (Dalhousie University); Mark Zarb (Robert Gordon University)
Engaging Students in Open Source: Opportunities and Approaches
Stewart N. Weiss (Hunter College of the City University of New York)